Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Solar Charger The Phoenix 10000mAh Solar Power Bank

My wife and I do a fair amount of hiking and here lately we have begun preparing a day hike bag so that we are prepared in case something should happen. When I saw this Solar charging power bank, I thought this would be perfect for our bag.

I was really please when I received this power bank, it is built really solid and can withstand the elements. This power bank will charge itself in the sun or on an overcast day which makes it unique compared to most power banks which require an USB port to charge. The flashlight is another greaty feature on this unit for when you find yourself out or in an emergency situation. The only downfall to this power bank and it's not significant is that the carabiner and its tiny ring will not hold up. I would suggest a bigger carabiner and bigger ring.

I can't wait till our next hike so that this can be hooked to our bag providing emergency power for our phones should we need it.

Disclaimer: I received this product on a promotional discount for my honest review and they are 100% my own opinions. I received no compensation for this review and I am not required to give a good review. I am also not associated with the seller in any way.

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