Wednesday, September 14, 2016

iWOWN Smart Bracelet i5plus IP65 Water Resistant Fitness Trackers

I wanted to get this fitness tracker as a cheaper alternative then the others out on the market. My wife and I have been getting more active as of late and I want us to be able to have a tracker to keep us motivated.

I really like how easy it is to read the display and that it is able to track just about everything that the others do. The push notifications are awesome and it lets me know who is calling, text message ( displays the message ) Facebook messages and more. I was really pleased that the watch has a camera remote function to take pictures with.

In testing this, I found that it kept up on the steps, distance, calories and floors climbed just like the other brands. It even allows you to set your step goals as well. The track is easy to charge, just remove it from the band and plug into a USB port. It takes about 30 min to charge fully.

The Application itself needs some polishing and It would be nice if you were able to add friends to the App, but for the price of this tracker, I am not one to complain.

Disclaimer: I received this item for free in exchange for my promise to write an honest and unbiased review. This had no impact on my rating or review of the product.

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