Monday, September 12, 2016

Dapai Vacuum Sealed Coffee Container

So I have been storing my ground up coffee beans in an old margarine container next to my coffee pot. When I saw this, I thought it would be a perfect way to keep things fresher.

This vacuum sealed canister is actually pretty awesome. I love how the bowl is clear and you are able to see whats inside. I also like the convenience of using its hand pump to extract the air inside rather that hauling out my big industrial vacuum sealer all the time. Now keep in mind you are using the hand sealer vs the motorized one, thus your not going to get the type of seal that you would with the motorized ones, but this container is perfect for storing things short term.

I will be getting a couple more of these so that I can store my rubs, sugars and flours in. Heck you could even store opened up cereal and keep it fresh longer without going stale.

Disclaimer: I received this item at a discounted rate in exchange for my promise to write an honest and unbiased review. This had no impact on my rating or review of the product.

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